Thursday, 28 July 2011

Unix - History

In 1965, Bell Telephone Labs, the General Electric Company and Massachusetts Institute of Technology joined hands to develop an Operating System that could server large community of users and allow them to share data. They produced MultICS, Multiplex Information and Computing Service. But this doesn't end up in an expected outcome.

In 1969, Dennis Richie, Ken Thompson and few others, from AT&T, evolved the first version of multiuser system Unics(UNiplexed Information and Computing Service). Unics was named by Peter Neumann, as a reminder of ill-fated MultICS. It is then renamed as Unix. Initially Unix was developed in machine dependent assembly code, it was not portable.

To make it portable, Ken Thompson created a high-level language called 'B'. But 'B' was not sufficient to make such an OS. Thus, Richie started building a new language called 'C', which is finally used to write the entire Unix.

In 1980s, hundred of thousands of systems from micro to mainframe systems, were using Unix. In 1982, first commercial version of Unix was released by AT&T Labs. A number of vendors including Digital Equipment, Sun, Addamax and others began building trusted versions of UNIX for high security applications, mostly designed for military and law enforcement applications.

In following years many versions of Unix were found. In all the versions, the basic thing is that the OS is kept portable and open-sourced.

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